Thursday, October 13, 2011

Null - Somnium

Somnium is an album whose concept is about feelings a man would have when being in a state of dreaming.
Every track here is a report about stimulus and immediate reaction which leads to various complex mental states such as serious nervous disorders caused by paranoia, schizophrenia, catatonia, bipolarism, mania etc...
Distralia talks about loss of concentration caused by permanent sound in the background which impedes rational thinking.
Reiki is a deep concentration that expands energy inside over and over until you cannot understand how to control it or how stop it.
Oltrance is direct opposite, it's a fatal loss of energy which forces you to recover. It's an endless circle of trance in waiting for something you cannot receive.
Nervuoto is about slow stopping of brain work due to brain cells death and an influence on perception of a person who suffers from such health problem.
Epiletale is simply last epileptic attack on a human being before the end...

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